Our Eggs

Nutrition Our layers are fed a high quality custom laying feed that is not only high in calcium for shell development, but also high in protein and essential vitamins and minerals to maximize fertility and embryo development during incubation. Cleanliness Our birds are housed in roll out layer pens to minimize soiling of the eggs, therefore eliminating the need to wash the eggs which removes the protective properties of the outer shell. All eggs are inspected when packaged and any with excessive staining or soiling are discarded. Fertility Every effort is made to provide the birds with an environment that promotes eggs that are of the highest quality. Spacious housing, steady supply of fresh food and water, and a 1:1 male to female ratio help to create highly fertile and hatch-able eggs. Shipping Eggs are shipped in special die cut foam shippers made solely for shipping eggs. Every effort is made to make sure your eggs arrive in tact and ready to go into the incubator.